Basic Skill Levels In Playing Futsal Among Extracurricular Participants at SD Negeri Karangtalun 05

  • Muhammad Rizky Akbar R.H STKIP Darussalam Cilacap, Cilacap, Indonesia
  • Dian Imam Saefulah STKIP Darussalam Cilacap, Cilacap, Indonesia
  • Kusmiyati Kusmiyati STKIP Darussalam Cilacap, Cilacap, Indonesia
  • Ari Gana Yulianto STKIP Darussalam Cilacap, Cilacap, Indonesia
  • Iyan Nurdiyan Haris Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, Kolaka, Indonesia
Keywords: Basic Skills, Extracurricular, Futsal


This study aims to evaluate the basic futsal skills of the extracurricular participants at the school. This research is a descriptive quantitative study that employs a survey method and data collection techniques through testing. The subjects of the study consist of futsal extracurricular students aged 10-12 years at SD N Karangtalun 05, totaling 20 participants. The instrument used is a basic futsal skills test model for the 10-12 age group developed by (Wijayanti & Kushartanti, 2014). To assess the basic ability to play futsal, four test items are combined into one test series: dribbling, passing, controlling, and shooting. The data analysis technique applied in this study is descriptive quantitative, presented in the form of t-scores adjusted to the applicable norms. The results indicate that the level of basic futsal skills among participants in the extracurricular program at SD N Karangtalun 05 includes 5 students in the very good category, 11 students in the good category, 3 students in the moderate category, 1 student in the poor category, and no students in the very poor category.


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How to Cite
Akbar R.H, M. R., Saefulah, D. I., Kusmiyati, K., Yulianto, A. G., & Haris, I. N. (2024). Basic Skill Levels In Playing Futsal Among Extracurricular Participants at SD Negeri Karangtalun 05. Indonesian Journal of Physical Activity, 4(2), 182-187.