Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai dan Koordinasi Mata-Kaki dengan Kemampuan Passing Sepakbola Menggunakan Kaki Bagian Dalam pada Siswa SMA Mutiara Bangsa

  • Rusdi Gobel Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Olah Raga dan Pendidikan Raha
  • Rifaid Saiman Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Olah Raga dan Pendidikan Raha
Keywords: Football, Passing, Eye-foot coordination, Mutiara High School.


To perform good passing, strong leg muscles and good coordination are necessary. The purpose of this research is to determine the leg muscle strength, eye-foot coordination, and the ability to perform inside foot passing in soccer among high school students at Mutiara Bangsa. This research uses a correlational quantitative method with a sample of 30 students, using the simple random sampling technique. The research results show: (1) There is a relationship between leg muscle strength and the ability to perform inside foot passing in soccer among high school students at Mutiara Bangsa, with an r-value of 0.897 > r-table value of 0.361. (2) There is a relationship between eye-foot coordination and the ability to perform inside foot passing in soccer among high school students at Mutiara Bangsa, with an r-value of 0.801 > r-table value of 0.361. (3) There is a simultaneous relationship between leg muscle strength and eye-foot coordination with the ability to perform inside foot passing in soccer among high school students at Mutiara Bangsa, with an F calculated value (57.583) > F-table value (3.35).


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How to Cite
Gobel, R., & Saiman, R. (2022). Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai dan Koordinasi Mata-Kaki dengan Kemampuan Passing Sepakbola Menggunakan Kaki Bagian Dalam pada Siswa SMA Mutiara Bangsa. Indonesian Journal of Physical Activity, 2(2), 100-113.